Agnostic, Scaleable, Independent
Drive a vehicle for miles
without battery usage or consumption of fossil fuels
Generate up to 2,500kWh of electricity, completely disconected from the grid
Increase the range on an electric vehicle by
Power a prototype vehicle (John Deere Gator/agricultural vehicle)
for over 200 miles
without any conventional form of fuel or battery field
A Hughes on-site generator has operated successfully in
Thermal, CA
for the past 6 months
Our Hughes-modified BMWi3 has been tested for thousands of miles with range extension consistently exceeding
Hughes Power Generation Platform will change the way we power vehicles and buildings by providing a cost-effective, scalable and autonomous alternative energy source: movement and motion. The Hughes Power Generation Platform converts free kinetic energy to electrical energy, providing a new source of power to vehicles and buildings. The result is a new energy ecosystem that nurtures the Earth back to a healthy equilibrium.
Hughes Tool Company, Inc. © All Rights Reserved.
US Patents Foreign and Domestic Pending.